It's all for the best
2009-12-09 | 8:34 p.m.

Sorry, Diaryland, I feel I've been neglecting you and instead living through sporadic Facebook status updates.

Yesterday's was...

[I have] just opened a tin of tomatoes from Lidl. Number of tomatoes in tin: 0

...which led to a large assortment of responses and culminated in my reply of "jesus christ, this status update has opened a can of worms! although if it was a lidl product there would be NO WORMS IN THERE."

My poor chicken curry. Sad times.

Today for the first time in at least a couple of weeks I actually felt relaxed and happy, considering the whole losing our house shit and something I haven't mentioned, but since August I have been running out of money at the end of each month and borrowing heavily from my tax fund in order to pay my rent, but that's my own fault for not budgeting properly. I worked my arse off doing transcripts last month so staying financially afloat over the festive period should definitely be achievable. Amen.

Anyway, I finished work at lunch today due to my present trial finishing. I met Stuart to go for pizza and then to the Museum of London, where he is a voiceover in one of the visual exhibits, where a recording of his voice bemoans the Black Death - always a classic. I just had the nicest afternoon, and I adore him.

Last Thursday was the CPS homicide unit Christmas party, which the Old Bailey stenographers attended en masse, along with barristers and policemen. That was fun, until I got a night bus home and managed to fall *into* the luggage rack when said bus went round a corner. How embarrassing. The bus driver was lovely, pulled over to make sure I was ok and told me where to get off and board the right bus to get me home, as this particular bus was bound for Putney. And I do not live in Putney.

Speaking of where I live, well, once our landlord sells the place obviously we're not going to be chaining ourselves to the furnishings chanting "WEEE SHALL NOT, WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED," but instead taking the mature approach of seeking alternative tenancy. When we found out he was selling, we embarked on a frantic mission of flat hunting for a few days, which was fruitless, and then we...just stopped.

We're not going to be kicked out by Christmas. And hopefully not by the end of January. What we have decided, however, is that lovely as Wandsworth Common is, it IS expensive living round here, we have no ties to it and therefore there is absolutely no reason not to gallavant off to a completely different part of London. And for that reason we may well be moving to Greenwich in the coming months, and hopefully poaching Alexis to come and live with us. We'll just have to wait and see what happens with that one.

The only other thing of note to mention is that I have taken to sushi making like a koi carp to a freshwater pond. I still love the stuff.



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