I have fans! ;)
2001-12-18 | 9:18 p.m.

Ahh, I'm feeling really cream-crackered tonight. School was alright, but although I tried desperately to get the book I'm reading for my history coursework finished, it just couldn't be done. ie. I kept getting distracted.

Work was even worse than yesterday too, which only goes on to remind me that it's Christmas week, and I haven't yet finished my shopping *worries*. I'll have to do it when I finish school at 1.00 tomorrow. But I also have to get the redraft of my history coursework and the mock for the module I'm retaking in January done before the end of the week, and I'll be too drunk to do it on Thursday. Erk...

Other reasons why work was a bit shit were because I somehow managed to slice the palm of my hand open on (wait for it...) a cardboard box! Yes. But at least it was my left hand - see I AM a positive person. And then we got let out 20 mins late, and I ended up putting the jewellery in the safe and doing more refunds because most of the staff don't know how to do any of that. Ah, it does make me feel superior though. ;)

Oh and I introduced a counterometer thingy for this diary yesterday, and I was amazed to see that I actually have readers! It makes me feel quite impolite really, as I never say hello to you or anything. So, erm, hi. :) And if you happen to click refresh several times then I won't complain. ;) Ok, so a few of the counts are me, checking to see if anyone's come here, but I have a URL so I can check by going to that now. And it's not *really* cheating - when you register it gives you the chance to start the counter on any number you please. Therefore I could have started it on 248,596 and made this diary seem really popular. Ha! But I felt that would have been a little *too* sad, even for me. :)

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