2001-10-11 | 3:51 p.m.

Woooooooooo, i found all my questionnaire responses in my locker! ahh, i shouldnae have bothered worrying so much :)

i'm a bit thick really, i just chuck things in random places in my room (or at school for that matter) and think, ah yes, i'll remember i put that there. but i never do. that explains why i have 3 sets of eyelash curlers which sporadically appear here and there. *does chuckle brothers impression* silly me...

ah well.. i left school early today because i really couldn't be arsed to hang about for my general studies lesson last thing. i'll get a bollocking for it, but i'll use the old doctors appointment as an excuse. ha.

nothing else new to report. have to get ready to go to work in a min. but i got paid t'other week, and my bank balance is currently very plump and juicy :)

it's paul's b'day next friday - he'll be 22. i have no idea what to get him...

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