The morning after the night before...
2001-10-13 | 10:54 a.m.

Last night i got ridiculously drunk, which was, well, a ridiculous thing to do, to be blunt. nahh, i wasn't *that* plastered. i hope. i think i overdid the blue WKD a bit though.

ended up seeing absolutely loads of people i know last night, including gemma, who i first started work with, who i havenae seen for nearly a year.

For some reason (too drunk to remember what it was), we didn't bother going to McCluskys, were going to go to Academy, but actually ended up in Pulse. I remember in Pulse talking to this bloke who i'd never met before in my life. and he gave me what appeared to be a cigarette in brown paper (cigar?), and i was stupid enough to actually smoke it. and he kept trying to dance with me provocatively, but luckily i had more sense. then he said to come back to him if i couldnae find my boyfriend. i didn't go back.

paul came back to mine after pulse. we ended up watching the exorcist, and at around 5.30 am he woke up and decided that that present time was a suitable time to leave. nice of him...

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