I was gonna clean my room...
2001-11-26 | 10:54 p.m.

Just felt like doing an update. So....... work yesterday wasn't too bad - I didn't really see Paul until the end of the day, but he just ignored me anyway, and vice-versa. Sigh...

I was meant to be walking home with Dave, but it was kind of dark. And rainy. And freezing. So we got a lift home with Nick, but in the car he put his hand on my knee. He's got a girlfriend, and I definitely think he's *not* the sort of person I'd want to be with. He said he would be quite happy to cheat on her with me because at the end of the day "what she don't know won't hurt her". Yeah right.

1. I would just feel incredibly used.

2. Despite not knowing his girlfriend I really wouldn't ever like to do something like that.

So, I'm staying single! I even gave that nice Josh the brush off. Maybe I was a little harsh with my words because he never texted me back after I said I was too 'busy' to see him on Tuesday! Haha!

Andy Cartwright sent me a text on Saturday night too I think... I got a text from a number I didn't know, which said "hi. it's andy's it going?" When I saw it in the morning I just sent back a message saying "Andy who?". Well I haven't heard from him for nigh on 6 months. What does he expect?

Anyway. My day today was ok, but long. I had work in the evening, and it was the newish bosh Will's late shift. He's really smarmy, slimy and can be really nasty to some people. He's ok to me though, because I stand up to him a bit, and I think he respects that. Strange! :)

I have a double free tomorrow. I think I might buy a 2 litre bottle of diet coke and get high. Wahey!

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