WHY do you build me up, buttercup baby just to let me down...?
2002-02-05 | 9:15 p.m.

I'm back in a state of fatigue again where I feel I have absolutely no time for anything. For the past two nights I've gone to bed at 11pm - I've never gone that early for...for, crikey, God knows how long. So I think my body's still trying to reimburse itself for the lack of sleep from Saturday night. I had a sleep when I got in today too :)

My life during the week is always sooooo dull. It's go to school, sit in lessons and keep checking clock 'til the hour (or 2 hours if it's a double lesson *groan*) is up.

And because of working and sleeping so much I barely have time or can be bothered with the Internet anymore. I came on tonight and did the spark's personality test. Apparently I'm an artist! Hah! I think there's more artistic talent in my cactus.

I used to be really naughty in my art lessons at school too (until I was able to drop the subject 4 years ago). I'll never forget the time I accidently laughed really loudly in my teacher's face and got sent out the class much to everyone else's amusement. I felt guilty when the poor bloke died the next year because I know our class was famous for giving him serious gip. :/

I've attempted to set up that dodgy bloke who kept asking me out - Andy - with my friend Tori. Her response of "I don't know..." was good enough for me so I sent him her phone number. Hehehe. I'm sure this is going to be hilarious. Not for Tori though! *chuckles evilly* :)

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