You make me sick
2002-09-08 | 7:45 p.m.

I don't know how I managed to make it through work today. I got up this morning, got dressed and vomited. Then felt better and went to work but felt nauseous again for an hour and a half then vomited a large amount of bile.

Someone told me bile glows in the dark. I think I'll have to test this theorum one day.

It was annoying because people believed my vomiting was self-inflicted (not bulimia, but because I am known as 'hardcore party girl' at work, which is only a half-truth).

I was at my grandmother's last night! It was quite amusing though, my cousins were also there and we ended up playing this card game that involves teaspoons and much fighting in order to get a teaspoon when someone gets a set of cards. Never have I wanted a teaspoon so much in my life as last night.

I do feel much better now, especially since myself and Dena raided the fridge at work on our lunch break and discovered two cream cakes that didn't appear to belong to anyone. I was generous and let her have the chocolate one, but still, it was mmm.

The Best of You've Been Framed is on shortly. I most certainly live for Sunday nights.

Does that new Underworld song go "You've been lied to" or "You bring light in"? I've never been good with song lyrics. I was going to give some examples but my mind's gone blank right now. I may do in future entries. has some good ones though. All I can remember is that when I was younger I thought Genesis' Invisible Touch went "She's in a hut, an invisible hut yeah" whereas the real lyric was "She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah". Unfortunately I don't take interesting medication.

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