Don't let yourself go go go go go
2003-03-27 | 6:47 p.m.

Argh, I knew this had to happen sooner or later. I've had a fecking recall on one of my library books and I've only had it a week as opposed to the planned six I wanted to keep it for:

"Dear strawberri:


The following Library materials are required by another Library user.

Please return them by the date given below as the "recall date due".

Please note that overdue recalled items incur a fine of 40p per day.

1 call number:941.08082 WOM [NORMAL] ID:7505926205

Women, privilege, and power : British politics, 1750 to the present /

edited by Amanda Vickery.

Vickery, Amanda.

original date due:29/4/2003,23:59

recall date due:31/3/2003,23:59."

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I looked to see which book it was and it's a big hardback fucker so will probably cost about a fiver to send back. And I have accrued fines because I thought my books were due back today but they needed to be renewed yesterday so I have debts of 40p x 7, however much that is.

So now not only do I have to post a book back to my university, I have to READ it well, tonight or tomorrow morning, when I wasn't even planning on doing that until the last week of the holidays.

I need to take back my Givenchy Hot Couture too, as it's not the one I liked. I liked the one in the pink bottle and some silly bitch on the counter told me it was Hot Couture when it quite blatantly wasn't. I only noticed this when I took it out of the box at home though.

Also getting back into bad habits. Ie. going to bed late and waking up around midday. Must stop, must stop. It's my own fault - I like three heaped teaspoons of coffee in my coffee, which, if I don't stop, is going to lead to my untimely death in the very near future. I've been warned.

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