2003-06-10 | 9:35 p.m.

Oh dear God I am going home tomorrow lunch time and kind of need to pack up my belongings at some point, which I cannot be arsed to do. I am currently feeling in a state of extreme emptiness. It's bad enough that all my friends have now gone home, leaving me with the lesbians, but the lesbians have gone out this evening meaning I am COMPLETELY alone. Hold me, I'm scared.

I need to justify last night's drunken entry as I portrayed myself to be a raving pikey thief when the fact of the matter is I took two drinks without paying for them because the bar queue was at least thirty-million people long. And only one bar staff. Even if she had the speed and grace of a humming bird I would still have been in for a half hour wait. And I have no patience for anything ever. Be warned. One thing that made me laugh last night, even though I am basically laughing at myself, was a different time when I was queuing up at the bar and a second-year law student who has tried to pull me in the past, called Doug (yes, you heard, Doug) motioned from the other side of the bar that he would get me a drink. This meant that I was getting a free drink and not having to queue up. Definitely too good to be true as he marched over to me after he had got the drink and demanded I reimburse him. Thanks, what a lovely gesture y'cunt!

I have a date tonight with Big Brother and a room full of junk which needs to go in various boxes and bags. And tomorrow I come home to Stevenage. I will miss this place and its people terribly, there's no doubt about that.

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