Cool for twats
2003-09-09 | 12:00 a.m.

I was talking to someone on MSN earlier about the unwanted publicity my Controversial Cat Entry has gained and the fact that a link to my diary has made its way onto the Animal Liberation Front website's guestbook asking people to send me hatemail. Anyway, it turns out my friend's cat once really did get stuck in the fridge! Well it was all a bit of a mystery - he opened his fridge one time and the cat strolled out as if it was the most natural thing in the world (and completely unfazed). How I laughed.

I sliced my foot open while I was swimming earlier. I only noticed it was bleeding once I had got out which means from around 4.00 pm onwards the pool was contaminated with my blood. Ugh. Well they shouldn't make the side of the pool so spiky, should they?

I meant to say something about this earlier but I cannot believe how strict my friend Tori's parents are. It was her 20th birthday we were celebrating and she has been with her boyfriend for three years yet when he stays over he isn't allowed to sleep in her room with her. They go on holiday together, he comes and stays with her at uni. So therefore the theorum that she's still a virgin is completely unfeasible. They DO have sex (not that I've watched...just wanted to clarify that).

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