44 ways
2003-09-09 | 7:19 p.m.

I don't think I will ever tire of Pirates of the Caribbean. It was my third time of watching it today and I still love it. I even found a Pirates poster online for a fiver (which has sold out, bah) when the previous cheapest was around $16. I don't even own any dollars, wahh.


Also I am soooo going to go and see David Blaine doing his whole danglin' in a box thing over the Thames before I go back to uni. I will buy a sandwich, waggle it in front of him in a mocking manner and then devour it. In fact I could invent a game and call it "Forty-four days and forty-four bites", which would involve sitting below him and eating a different meal every evening and getting a fan to blow the aroma through his air vent. If he goes insane with hunger or dies then you win. Someone play my game!

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