I came in through the window last night
2005-04-20 | 9:45 p.m.

The procrastination's getting worse. I began working on my dissertation at 12 o'clock and after ten minutes had passed inexplicably (lazily) found myself unable (too lazy) to do much (any) more. Then I put my hair in bunches and started taking photos of it.

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And pulling funny faces.

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It's not like I did NO work though. I wrote a third of a page of notes from some random Internet site (which is probably made up and/or plagiarised). Wooohoooo...

Earlier my friend Leanne dragged me to see the Amityville Horror at the cinema. Going with me to see a scary film is no picnic, I'll tell you that for nothing - I jump, twitch and grab whoever's on hand and crush them. This evening I even managed to give my leg cramp, from leaping out of my seat. I don't know why I bother, I really don't.

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