Thinking it through
2005-05-18 | 3:01 p.m.

This morning I set my alarm for 8 o'clock, had breakfast, opened my curtains (this may seem a triviality but it's important to the story) and set about doing some reading on my bed in my pyjamas before getting up properly. Fast forward an hour or so and I have a shower and return to my room wrapped in a towel. I fish a vest top from my cupboard and slip it on. Then I go to my underwear drawer (which is actually the third drawer of my bedside cabinet as my clothes cupboard isn't big enough). I bend down and start rifling through, looking for knickers and socks. I stand up and as I turn around I realise the boy in the house opposite (the one we befriended and went to the pub with a few moons ago) is standing up at his window, staring across at me. Is there any chance he DIDN'T see me butt arse naked from the waist down? Unlikely. Bugger. I stare back in abject horror before quickly scuttling out of his line of vision.

I will now always, ALWAYS close my curtains before getting dressed or undressed. I was mortified for a few minutes but then realised I have bigger things in life to worry about. Namely exams.

Yep, my first exam is tomorrow morning and I am a little worried, mainly because it's the one that involves the identification and discussion of random Orwell quotes. My fear lies in being unable to make the mandatory identification of six of the twelve quotes I'll be given.

And on that note, I'm off to revise.

Well, a few more minutes on the Internet can't hurt, surely.

Good luck to anyone else in the same predicament I am (and by that I mean facing exams, not specifically an Orwell-based paper).

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