I didn't mean to hurt your feelings
2006-05-11 | 8:53 p.m.

My driving instructor has suggested putting in for my test soon and taking it towards the end of July. My reaction to this was 'ME THINKETH NOT, SONNY' (which I said inside my head not out). If I have my licence by the end of July I will actually buy a hat and eat it.

And none of this false modesty crap either - I'm still stalling left, right and centre especially when I'm not meant to be in the left, right or centre. Though my fear of roundabouts has oddly evaporated and I think one day soon I might conquer them once and for all.

Anyway, enough of that drivel seeing how it's interesting to no one but...well actually it's not particularly interesting to me either. Maybe I should start a little wager of when I will pass my test...

Work has become immensely dull and I just sit at my desk bored and resentful of being holed up in a building when it's sunny and lovely all bloody day long and all my brain keeps telling me is 'You should be out there, you're never getting this day back you know!'

I promised myself that once I passed my driving test I would go and find a job in London. I've bookmarked this in my mind for September-time but you never know, I might be so bored out of my skull that my subconscious forces me to become a good driver and to pass my test by the end of July. Though I really don't fancy eating that hat as you never know whose flea-infested head it might have been sitting on.

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