You just don't know, how I like it down low
2009-03-13 | 6:33 p.m.

Being at home at 6.34 of a Friday evening feels strangely odd. I've been burning the proverbial candle at both ends somewhat, to the extent that there's no wax left and just a ragged wick that could be mistaken for a tramp's dental floss.

So what have I been doing? Getting up to mischief, thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend...oh, just the usual.

I'm also perplexed and frustrated with Virgin Media, who, since installing our Internet on 28th February, have neither responded to my complaint (other than to send a letter stating they had received my complaint. HOW HELPFUL), or taken any money from my account for installing it.

I despair.

Here's part of an email I composed today after finding a contact address of some poor customer service lackey:

"Imagine cramming a load of irate scorpions into a tiny box, shaking it for several minutes and letting them out again. THAT is how angry I am."

I know it's been brief, but I have a lot I need to sort out in my own head, mainly regarding Gaz, who I'm seeing tomorrow. I leave with some pictures of Alexis's birthday party in Greenwich from last Saturday. Singstar plus Skittles vodka equals gloriousness.

Party attendees! (I'm in the purple skirt.)


Skittles vodka scepticism.


All (well, some) of the colours of the alcohol rainbow.


Panda cakes.


Jenn finds it all too much. Note the Jonas Brothers pillow, and the drink spillage on the curtain (dried up a treat, apparently)


Me and Alexis's friend Gemma circa 3.00 am, when my camera was commandeered. Lovely.


Other than some cunt thieving the entirety of a cake Jenn had baked for Alexis, it was a great night.

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